Thursday, 3 October 2019

Basic Rules of System architect and Their Work

Manages software and hardware solutions architecture projects, including analysis of information system requirements, development of data integration concepts, interaction of hardware and software components, development of technical and design documentation
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The global trend in the development of computer technology and information technology is the expansion of the use of distributed systems for collecting and processing information, cloud computing technologies, wireless telecommunication systems, distributed databases, modeling systems, virtualization of network services, which requires fundamentally new approaches to the architecture of hardware and software resources and methodology for research, forecasting and management of computer networks. The system architect organizes and coordinates the work of the project team, controls the process and development timelines, participates in the implementation, testing and maintenance of software and hardware systems.
System architects are in demand in companies specializing in IT and telecommunications, developing methods and technologies for managing complex objects and systems, methods for processing large amounts of data. According to TEXsystems (USA), over the past five years, the demand for the profession has more than quadrupled. According to leading recruitment agencies, in five years, the profession of systems architect will be among the five most sought after. In Russia, it is already in the top 10 of the most popular IT specialties.
Today and in the foreseeable future, system architects will be the most demanded and scarce resource in any rapidly developing industry, especially in the field of system integration. Moreover, the maturity of management in a particular organization can be judged by the degree and quality of use of system architects. And according to the assessment of their work, too. In many respects, this is why a significant part of young specialists who are still ahead are interested in obtaining information about the profession of systems architect. What exactly?
If you think that the Creator was not the first system architect, then you cannot read further this article.
It is unlikely that anyone will argue that all the splendor of our technical civilization that surrounds us and the overwhelming number of all kinds of innovations from shovels and computers to spaceships, robots and artificial intelligence are thought up, designed, created, maintained and continuously modernized by a worldwide community of engineers. However, if you are convinced that in fact all this was invented, created, etc., for example, exclusively by the proletariat or graduates of the MBA, you will either have to accept the above on faith or read it to the end.
About competencies
Of course, engineers have various specializations, skills, horizons, competencies and experience. And if you build a pyramid from them, taking into account all this, then at the top there will be people who were previously called chief designers, but today in different organizations they are more often called system, sometimes complex architects, or business architects, which is essentially the same. But the main thing is that these names mean those who pronounce them.
Around the concept of "system architect" there is a lot of terminological confusion. The term “systemic” can come from two concepts - from the “system” itself and from the “systematic approach”, which in the modern world is not the same thing. Therefore, when talking about system architects, you should first clarify which architects are in question. For example, such a problem arises when they talk about the Internet, which actually exists simultaneously in three ways: as a network of networks, as a global information database, and as a business platform. Sometimes people can argue and prove something for a long time until it becomes clear that the problems they are discussing are on completely different planes and are almost orthogonal

managed switch

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